In your case, I would. Gross feet, bad breath, hairy ass, lazy eye, hammer thumbs. You have to be ok with breaking plans after being 20min late already. Long answer: Level of education can indicate certain aspects I find desirable so obviously it helps. I'm super proud of her. Yeh i would date a long haired girl or short haired girl or a buzzcut girl. Half of the time, sex work is indicative of a really unfortunate circumstance. Con: stuff won't get done, unless external controls are put in place. I think my preference would be a taller girl but when dating Asian girls they are usually short. I don't see a massive distinction and I wouldn't rule out marrying or dating someone with either profession. He never initiate texting unless he had a question. You seem to have a lot of 'traditionally male' characteristics, which I find very attractive. Everyone has some imperfection that you can obsess about. I mean, it is a smart form of income that does not require much time. She will appreciate the honesty much more than dancing around a subject or "hinting" about the things he likes/doesn't like. Advice : Don't be cautious of all that. • 3 yr. There's a lot of factors going into wether I find someone attractive or not. Slightly crooked teeth or smiles I have no problem with, but missing front teeth that are likely not going to get fixed would be a no-go for me personally. Chronotaru. Braces tell me your teeth are a work in progress, so the gap won't be there forever. Thank you for for sharing. If you're at the point that you're involved with the kids, my personal rule is that there are two things you can never lie to, kids and dogs. If anything you're deviating. It's a sliding scale. It wouldn't bother me at all. Learn about ADHD. r/ADHD. People underestimate how hard it is to date with BPD. Reply reply Oh, your question doesn’t read that way to me. baberanza. She got hit by a motorcycle as a kid in Germany, and almost bled out. And make sure you have eye contact if you really want him to hear you. Boys Only. You can decrease the chance of transmission to others by taking daily antiviral medication, using condoms, and avoiding sex during an active infection. We're all "bitches" or "dicks" to people. I would not not date her because she does sex work, but I would not date her if our socioeconomic status’ were not similar. I am not sure that this is the case; it sounds more like psychological than ADHD related. I think two of us would be too much to handle. I really didn't see the age, until she showed her immaturity or mental illness towards the end. I personally wouldn't want to date one with kids either but at this pount it's either just do it or give up. ADMIN MOD. May 19, 2022 ยท 5 tips for dating a woman with ADHD. It's great to overlook peoples issues and try and make things work, but the hard bluep3001. Faalen72. Her. 7. My closest friends are guys. Communication. Adults with ADHD can often seem passionate, exciting, really into stuff, impromptu, impulsive and great fun. hey guys, I want to know what you guys think. Talkative when it is time for it, and quiet when it is time for it too. I think a quiet girl is better for the long life relationship because dude you'll have a ton of things to do except just dating. Truthfully, ADHD can present itself in different ways so I don't think women are attracted to ADHD itself, but more so some aspects of it. Success/Celebration. Also you overestimate the dating pool for guys. Plus, a lot of women with kids realize they need to date older guys because they know some 'kid' in his early 20's isn't going to hang around. And I only say this because they typically don’t know that even getting into a relationship is often a step out of our comfort zone. If an ugly woman wants a date she can have one in 5 minutes of trying on Tinder. If you are not, I truly believe they would have to be very high functioning to make this work. AlobarTheWayward. Given there is no major clash between personalities of course. It takes a lot of psychological fortitude to love someone with a mental illness. Help is available. MembersOnline. • 4 yr. The way ADHD can effect relationships is some awkwardness or some negative feelings that came from the negative perception of ADHD in society. That said, someone can have a doctorate in something and have zero ambition, zero motivation to work and could be unemployed/only working part time in a dead end job. She is bright, compassionate, supportive, beautiful, and in so many ways a complex and wonderful person. If she's in a relationship with him, she wants to make him happy, and will likely appreciate explicit instruction on how to do so. It wouldn't be ideal, but if everything only happened behind a camera rather than actual sex work in person then it wouldn't be a hard no. I would not actively pursue a girl with a face tattoo, as I don’t like face tattoos. If someone judges you for that, you probably shouldn't be dating them. edm_ostrich. earwigy1990. Conversely are you at the stage in life when you just want a girlfriend and you are trying out your options. She wasn't intentionally difficult or needy, she was just different, and we just weren't suited for an intimate relationship with each other. She was diagnozed about a year and a half ago. Just make sure you know who you're talking to. So women who are really lovely, but, for example, having ADHD and speak + text in a different manner than the neurotypical, or people who were addicted to substances for many years, or people who found the courage to leave abuse and are now single parents, all of these people are going to struggle in online dating through no fault of their own. Reply. I've got a BS/Environmental Science and work in a STEM field so I'm far from uneducated, but pHD's, MD's, Lawyers, etc are great to talk to and date because they're usually intelligent and it often carries over to other aspects of their lives that make them more interesting overall. However, I am new to dating someone with ADHD, and feel like I should learn more for both my sake and hers. It doesn't bother her either. Acknowledge them, make them laugh, and be honest if you're uncomfortable about anything. It is one of the factors among several, attractiveness being the primary filter. Not just because I like her very much because she just is perfect. Assuming it wasn't just a stunt to get customers. Must depend on where you’re located. I would and have dated a girl with body acne scars. Venting. But, ADHD really affects her life. The person dating the partner with bpd MUST understand bpd, the causes and symptoms. After our first date he gave me his second number which I took as a good sign. Yeah, I’d honestly prefer to date any queer person over a cis person, I find they’re generally more accepting and we have more in common. wrath4771. That said, I believe I may have been vaccinated for HPV, so if I were to check and be immunized, sure I guess I would be fine dating a girl with HPV. Both physically and personality wise. 10. is a guy, girl, nb, agender, xeno, idc. While I find taller girls attractive, height is not really something that would stop me from dating someone. My boyfriend has the same name as my brother. Quite often their creativity and take on the things is really interesting. I’m certain you know this already, but lashing out is largely a combination of a fear based response and situational frustration. You have to be sure you can manage your own mental burdens before you can help carry someone else's baggage. He even knows that my best friend sleeps over my house a lot. If I were you, I’d get on his helmet in regards to how he talks to you because he sounds toxic, ADHD or not. In my 20s, I dated someone with fairly deep and pronounced scars. first of all, yes I definitely would. Treat the kids like they're your little cousins. Yes I would absolutely date a girl like this. Share your stories, struggles, and non-medication strategies. 3. It's no big deal. No I wouldn't start dating anyone with major health issues - mental or physical. If they're narcassists or have an overwhelming need for attention, probably not. We’ve seen each other a couple times now and even spent the night. The limp is less important in my eyes then your outlook on yourself as a whole. I believe I may need to borrow this. It’s a two way street. The dynamics are different. If she’s excited about something, make sure you follow up on those things, too. Yes. On the plus side, he should help keep life exciting, new, and interesting for you. Could you date a girl who slept with someone you hate? If they had been casually sleeping with someone who you know to be obnoxious, outwardly disrespectful to women, and overall not a good person. Hello Reddit I am a guy who have been dating a girl with ADHD Only fans is a turn off for a lot of guys, and I personally wouldn't date someone with an only fan. A reminder: if you are seeking resources in your local area, please provide that in the post so that users can share appropriate links and phone numbers. I put a lot of my energy into thinking about ADHD. Couple of things to consider - you're not the child's parent, she is. MOD. • 1 yr. If she's shy, has low self confidence or an anxious avoidant attachment that's when she'd act cold, uninterested, unbothered. We bonded over indignation against neurotypicallity, changed the conversation with Open to giving dating a woman with kids another shot. Next time re-read the God damned TOPIC before you come at me about what's not So in order to healthily be with someone who has bpd, they (person with bpd) MUST be in therapy/on meds/self aware about their mental health etc. Dating is when prospective romantic partners are first interviewing each other and trying to have fun. If they just wanted to make money so they can pursue other dreams, fine. She was beautiful and was also cool as hell. There was a study of viral shedding that showed: HSV 2 genital 15-30% of days evaluated. Less stress. ADHD will need to manage and build better habits to maintain the relationship. There was once an askmen-Thread that asked who would date a girl with children and under which circumstances. But they don’t want just any date. How big or widespread of one depends on the person. I'd definitely have to say yes. You sound like a great human being, and whether or not you have a wheelchair shouldn't limit your dating choices. Would you be put-off by this to the extent that you may not be able to continue dating them? If they had been casually sleeping with someone who you Short answer: yes. Today I went on a date with a girl who's also got ADHD. Understanding where your partner is coming from may help your relationship. Ugly women have the same dating standards as beautiful women. Same goes for myself too, i try to be like that. She had nearly died from mistakenly cutting too deep. If you are in distress, please call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number. Found she was a bit like me. Feed her##. And the majority of those men get only a 1% response rate or less. I love dating women who are more educated than me. long answer? there is a very and most likely probable chance if her looks are of a high class and her skin reminds me of porcelain, her personality must that of an elegant person and yada yada imagine some guy with a monocle like the Pringles guy or monopoly idk. I did date an ex-cam girl for a while, but she quit a few years before we dated. I don't know if she knows, but many things she blames herself for them, are actually very common symptoms of ADHD. IvanDoc. As someone who was diagnosed from birth with Autism and ADHD I personally wouldn’t mind trying to date a girl who also has my Neurological “disability’s” as I often have always felt very safe and comfortable around girls because they give off an almost caring and motherly energy to them that makes me happy and safe. So teeth in general only play a very small role. You have to accept there there will be physical voids in your relationship. While I wouldn't do it, I thought about the conditions I would have if I was more flexible in that regard - for example if I was a single dad myself; and of course I would have to live in a country that didn't make me liable for child support simply because I am presumed to have taken Great rule, the best thing you can do if dating someone with BPD is to set up healthy boundaries and challenge us to use healthy behaviors instead of toxic/emotionally abusive ones. I dated a woman ten years younger than my daughter for about 6 years. The second girl stunning girl and we went for coffee late at night as it was during lockdown. Genital herpes (type 1 or 2) can asymptomatically shed the virus from the entire "boxer short region" and spreads via skin to skin contact. brown2420. In children with ADHD, the most replicated abnormalities include smaller DLPFC, caudate, pallidum, corpus callosum and cerebellum. I’m now dating someone who doesn’t care. Con: they won't understand ADHD fully even if educated, unless they are empathic. I did date a gal for three years with kids. Women know this and they are watching. Guys want to be with a pretty girl first and foremost. I know we would fall in love deeply if we start a relationship short answer (pun not intended) yes. What would matter more is why they chose the profession. You didn't date a vegan, you dated a bitch. Yes there's averages, but averages are just that, and not a rule. Guys of Reddit: Would you date a girl who was 5'11". Long Answer : It only matters to an extent. There’s a difference between caring for someone/ raising a child that’s autistic and dating/ being in a relationship with someone. Respect her by genuinely listening to her and take interest in what she cares about. Tattoos are a red flag. I'm not gay; just would like someone who very closely matches me and happens to have the opposite plumbing. I’m a girl with a lot of guy friends. Tell him not to worry about being blunt with her. Guys should really be in their 30's before considering dating a woman with a child. I've dated and befriended a couple of guys with it and as far as dating, the 1 guy I'd had longevity There are a lot of great quotes she might like or know which you can encourage her to make posters of to remind her. At 28 no, at 43 yes. SlytherinSilence. Show genuine interest in what’s going on in her life. You don't get to have shitty days and come home and vent, not if her mood can't handle it. If they developed over the course of our relationship then I would not leave but if I have the choice then I want someone healthy to be in a relationship with. Excluding ADHD, Nancy is just perfect in every way I can imagine. I am trying to give you general advice so that you can make your own decisions. ACfireandiceDC. Speaking as a 6’2 Asian guy, yes I would date a short girl. A scar of any kind ok our body should never be a reason to not date someone. JymFriday. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago, and the road to effective treatment is long and rocky. Longer hair does make up for if you’re lacking in certain areas. I speak as the person with the conditions. But if you are objectively ugly, then you're ugly. It can be lucrative, if done right. Nobody had to finish a sentence; we could just leapfrog over each other. Guys say all the time 'I love tall girls' but they tend to mean 5'7" or 5'8" not 5'11" or higher. But, if you're okay with it, remember that you don't have to parent the child; as the guy she's dating you're Personally, I would. 1. • 6 mo. her child (ren) Exactly. • 7 yr. I’m not against it. 2. Share Add Yes. Keep your hopes up and don't stop looking :) Reply reply. The lovely axis of Depression, ADHD, and Anxiety. I can tell ya as you get older, is going to get A LOT harder to find women without kids. If you want to take it long-term, you will be most probably forced to, one way or another. Compromise. Then yes continue to date her. Totally incomprehensible to anyone else, but we got about 3x the conversation into any given minute. [deleted] • 2 yr. If you do, having the same name as your sister a good reason to reject this girl. korkdaddy69. If you are autistic, it may go well. It is quite indicative of a lack of impulse control and an inability to focus on long term strategies. I think people with ADHD do better if the person they're dating is normal because it helps create balance. That being said, you never know who you might catch feelings for. 6’2” is the tallest I’ve seen a girl in person and it’s extremely rare for a girl to be taller than me to begin with. Max would be three. A wheelchair, I have to say that’s probably a much larger commitment and I can’t say for sure. Hard to tell which or both. One ADHD partner. You can have ADHD and still be an asshole. ago. this sub is for advice about specific dating situations not general debates. But I have to protest to the people who are stating that "everyone has it anyways so it doesn't matter". I knew an ADHD girl once (platonically), and it was awesome. Let me be clear for clarification: you have nothing to prove to me. Being intimidated will be a massive turn-off for Dated a girl with an artificial leg in college. Try to catch him in a lucid moment with no distractions around. The fact is that if a woman is able to mask better, she will have a better chance at dating than a man on the spectrum. Especially with dating moms, because they are looking mostly for a guy that will willingly provide for her and kids first, and being partners could be secondary (immediate, or after a time). It’s not just about having an attention disorder. Whereas there is paucity of DT-MRI studies in ADHD, several investigations showing abnormalities of the corpus callosum have been reported in a number of morphometric studies of children with ADHD [85, 90, 97–100]. I (29F) dating (31M). They were like 13f & 8m when we got together. It doesn't bother me, though, because I do the same. I wouldn't say it's a red flag, but you have to wonder why she has no friends. Because most of us have dealt with mental health issues (in addition to ADHD) we are vulnerable to gaslightning and believing we are the problem (because we're always the problem!) in situations in which we're not. That's a green flag. If they are hooking up on the first date after meeting a few hours beforehand, they might actually want something long term, but are desperate for sex or they hookup on the first date regularly. So many people have slept with someone who has herpes 2. Read up on ADHD so you can understand life through her experience (additudemag has a lot of good stuff). ADHD doesn't matter. As a man with ADHD let me tell you that ADHD is something we may have, but it’s not our identity therefore you don’t and shouldn’t make excuses for him speaking to you so poorly. If you’re both committed and work to consistently understand each other and practice utilizing active listening and compassion, you have a very good shot. If she only sees you as a friend, there's no reason why she'd act cold and disinterested. I'm not managing my condition very well at the moment, and it has become a bit of an obsession. Thin_Radish_3439. We both got there late, I spilled purple drink in my white shirt almost immediately, she laughed and said "me, all my life" 10 minutes later, she dropped ice cream on her shirt. The majority of guys in their 20's don't realize it is a package deal. She be cautious look for more issues. NatskuLovester. We both share the lovely trifecta of co-morbid mental illnesses. If you don't, then let it go, move beyond the stupidity. If you guys can make it work, that's great but you do need to talk. Two ok. sorry if you wanted a better explanation, but i just don't care is my s. You have to love her for all of her, including the stuff from the ADHD that at times will have a negative impact on you. CleanEnd5983. I dated a woman 7 years younger than my daughter. If you are still confident and happy in/with yourself then that is much more attractive then whatever small deterrent a limp may pose to some guys. I think both are pretty unattractive qualities. Just be relaxed and yourself. murdercoven. Pro: they will understand you. I think sex work is valid. It's one thing if you are really opposed to kids being in the picture, and if you don't like how it impacts your lifestyle and what you want out of the relationship. I think some people see it as spontaneity so they're attracted to that aspect of an always running mind. The best is a woman who has it in between. No one with BPD will improve if you reward toxic behaviors. So; girls of r/adhd, if there’s any piece of advice you may give to avoid common mistakes/pitfalls, I’ll happily take it . o. Sometimes takes up to 24 hours to text back. We're an inclusive, disability-oriented peer support group for people with ADHD with an emphasis on science-backed information. The fact that she is willing to get tattoos isn’t really something you can use to judge someone’s personality. Ofc I’m 6’0” and tall ladies are sexy too, I don’t discriminate. If you know she is living with ADHD, consider taking the time Do you like this girl so much that you would develop enough feelings for her, that if the relationship progressed you would do anything for her (absolutely anything). I have ADHD and have always wondered what it would be like to date someone else with the disorder. Right now ADHD is affecting my dating life hugely. Reply reply. posts about relationships longer than 6 months post go to r/relationship_advice or if you are married post to r/marriage. ADHD minds are just wired differently than neurotypical. Pro: stuff will get done. People with BPD are scared. My girlfriend likes "all thoughts are prayers, all prayers are answered" which is a Cherokee quote I believe which reminds her not to obsess or manifest her fears or anxieties. It depends on how secure the guy is in himself. I am Trans and would date a Trans person. If he’s insecure, then of course he’s gonna have an issue with a woman having many male r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. yeah. Most of the gray area is for people who fall in between. You have to understand rage, sadness, anxiety, anything that may be directed at you is really not your fault. HSV 1 genital 3-5% of days evaluated. Yes and no. Ditsy and flirty and we vibed quite well actually but I remember she said something about me being really nice and she went oh not like that and i remember thinking shit that made me look insecure as i thought she meant as Okay, first of all, the title "would you date a girl on the autism spectrum" so my post is at the heart of the matter. damn, that's actually so interesing! and it also makes 100% sense (at least in my case) i also think that it's harder for some girls with ADHD to engage in a conversation with people gossiping / talking about how x said this and then y was offended because blah blah (more often a girl conversation) than just talking about anything else. . If you're with someone who does a good job of dealing with it, you might have some cancelled dates and leaving places early and more text messages than you'd like. One of my best friend's boyfriends has the same name as her brother. They couldn’t save the leg, he had a below the knee amputation. in that Yeah, it was tough, but she was very strong throughout it all. You are not alone. The social difference between a NT person and a reasonably autistic person is so great, it would be hard. also, I personally find crooked teeth quite attractive usually. OP, I hope you find someone understanding, or who doesn't even acknowledge your wheelchair (as some hindrance). No. •. Honestly, this is how men should date women in general. So how tall are you and what's your limit on the height of your girl? Archived post. That being said, all things equal, no kids would be preferred. Hell no. If someone denigrates you because of that or isn't into you because of that, then that's their loss and you're better off without them. When someone has a partner with depression or anxiety you see the tweets about how to be a kind and patient lover for them. People have preferences, but there are some people who are just objectively attractive, and some people who are just objectively ugly. I dated girls I might want to marry, have a family with, take to my parents on holidays. [deleted] Dated a girl with crooked teeth for 4 years. Ichbin99nichtzuHause. But he barely texts back. Nope, that's just my opinion though. [deleted] •. 6. You HAVE to meet her where she is. poniesftw. Dating a man with ADHD. Then either. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT leave the TV on if anything you're saying is important. Yes, I'm sure early only your jokester uncle will make a gag about how you're dating your sister, but dating someone with the same name as your sister does not mean anything about you wanting to date your sister. girls with shorter hair seem more confident and I like that. It definitely seems like you aren't cohabiting. Nearly a million and a half users say they 'feel at home' and 'finally found a place where people understand them'. Both ADHD. Inept_MTBer. ADHD does not have anything to do with this. Dating a girl with bipolar. r/dating_advice. Yeah, I already see what it's like to date a depressed person if you're not depressed, and it can get fairly annoying. A lot of people don't know they have it. The majority of men on Dating Apps swipe right on 100% of woman regardless of face or weight. Yea but the Autstic child would do better if their parents had autism to better understand and deal with life. If you're dating someone who isn't dealing with it well, you might feel like you're on call 24/7 to pick them up from their house or job and protect them from the world. If she wanted more then probably just one. However I am 6’1” and have never met a girl that was significantly taller than me. Tattoos makes a person less employable and does carry a social stigma. Dont let it be something that affects how you go through life. I didn’t like girls with short hair before, but I started to when I got a bit older (27m now). Dating someone with ADHD can be difficult, my girlfriend definitely struggles at times but the best thing you can do is communicate concerns and be as understanding and as patient as possible as you aren't dealing with the average person. Because of the attachment and rejection issues we are very vulnerable to abusive relationships. It's a name, not a fully unique identifier. Could be lots of reasons, but if the reasons are she is selfish or doesn't have empathy for others then yeah red flag. Herpes 2 is relatively common, affecting 1 in 5 Americans. gx mf tp lz pz gm dv ih ik qq